
  • home page responsive view
  • home page desktop
  • hosting services page desktop
  • about accudio page desktop
  • contact page desktop
Project Description —Alistair Shepherd

In early June 2017, when I was looking to expand Accudio from an small ocassional enterprise into a full-time business I decided I wanted to update my website at the same time. I started going about how I wanted to build the site, and also used it as an opportunity to explore different CSS frameworks and CMS softwares.

I hope to at some point write a blog post about this, however I wanted something different from the big CMS softwares, and discovered Subrion. Despite not being the most simple to use for simple changes, what I love is the flexibility of it, with a 'block' system that allows you to reuse and edit more easily sections of pages. Along with this there are several ways to edit content, including a fantastic context-aware html editor that rivals the best desktop editors, lots of plugins and templates, a file and image management system that is simple and makes sense, and a lot of features that although aren't useful for most users, for a developer being able to edit the database of the site through the admin panel is a massive timesaver.

And so my new site came from experimenting with Subrion. Combined with rewriting text and images, and having James Gordon Photography kindly allow me to use his images in the background, I am extremely happy with this site and also the decision to use Subrion.

Project Details
Client Accudio
Date August 2017
Based On Subrion CMS