Accudio Mk2

  • home page responsive view
  • home page desktop
  • portfolio page desktop
  • about page desktop
Project Description —Alistair Shepherd

When looking to start making websites more professionally I decided I needed a new website to set an example of what I could do and created It is made in the typical style of early 2015, with a large slider on the homepage and heavy use of CSS3 animations.

I feel it did an extremely good job of representing me on the web, and I'm still very happy with the look and feel of the site. I'd previously done lots of websites with CMS software, but wanted to make my site with simple HTML5 and CSS3, partly to keep it light and fast, but also as a challenge, which I believe greatly improved my ability in writing efficient markup.

Project Details
Client Accudio
Date March 2015
Based On HTML5/CSS3